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Upgrade to v6 (LTS)

This guide will take you through updating @gasket/* packages to 6.x.

TIP: The first open source release of Gasket was at v5 in order to align all packages on the same major version. As a result, there is no v4 of @gasket/cli, hence no upgrade steps required.

Update Dependency Versions

Update all @gasket/ scoped packages to the v6 major version.

This is not an exhaustive list, but rather a sampling of dependencies to demonstrate what to look for:

"dependencies": {
- "@gasket/fetch": "^5.0.2",
+ "@gasket/fetch": "^6.0.0",
- "@gasket/data": "^5.5.0",
+ "@gasket/data": "^6.0.0",
- "@gasket/plugin-workbox": "^5.4.1",
+ "@gasket/plugin-workbox": "^6.0.0",

Gasket Data

We have decoupled several things from Redux, and instead, have a new construct for delivering config data to the client.

If you are using a non-Next.js app, you will need to add the Gasket Data script tag to be in your document. If you are using a Next.js app, we have a new utility HOC for which can be used to simplify injecting this script tag into the _document.js of your app.


We have created a new helper package for accessing Gasket Data in the browser. This package retrieves the gasketData properties rendered via the aforementioned script tag, for use on the client.

Impacted Plugins/Packages: @gasket/data

How to Add to Gasket Data

There are two ways to add data to the Gasket Data object:

  1. Add to the res.locals.gasketData object on the server.
  2. Add to the public config property in app.config.js

public Config Property

We have created the public property in the app.config.js file to allow the client to access app config properties.

The @gasket/plugin-config plugin will return these public config properties to the browser. The @gasket/data package will then access the properties and make them available on .config.

Impacted Plugins/Packages: @gasket/plugin-config


As described above, we've made efforts to decouple various plugins from Redux. This move does not mean Redux is not still useful if you want to continue to use it in your app or custom plugins. If your app is currently using Redux with the @gasket/plugin-redux, here are the steps you will need to take to upgrade.

Create a store file

In the previous version of @gasket/plugin-redux, a default make store was provided. Although uncommon, if your app does not currently have a store.js (or redux/store.js) file, you will now need to create one. See Redux configuration for more details.

Update store file

For a basic Redux setup, there should be no need for and changes to the make store. However, if your app use using Next.js see the Updates for next-redux-wrapper section below for the necessary changes required to use the latest Redux changes for Next.js.


Update next and react/react-dom versions to v10 and v17 respectively.

"dependencies": {
- "next": "^9.2.1",
+ "next": "^10.0.0",
- "react": "^16.13.1",
+ "react": "^17.0.0",
- "react-dom": "^16.8.6",
+ "react-dom": "^17.0.0",

Inject Gasket Data

We have created a new package, equipped with a HOC to inject a GasketData script tag into the DOM. This tag is used by the @gasket/data package to make server-side data available to the browser.

+ import { withGasketData } from '@gasket/nextjs';

- export default Document;
+ export default withGasketData()(Document);

By default, this will inject the script in the <body/> after the Next.js <Main/> component, but before <NextScript/>.

Impacted Plugins/Packages: @gasket/nextjs

Updates for next-redux-wrapper

If you are using @gasket/plugin-redux with your Next.js app, then you will also need to upgrade next-redux-wrapper to take advantage of the latest page data fetching function in Next.js.

"name": "my-app",
"dependencies": {
- "next-redux-wrapper": "^4.0.1",
+ "next-redux-wrapper": "^6.0.2",
+ "lodash.merge": "^4.6.2",
"@gasket/plugin-redux": "^6.0.0"

You will also want a deep merge utility to help set up a basic HYDRATE action handler in the root reducer, as required by next-redux-wrapper. In this example, and for newly generated Gasket apps, lodash.merge is used.

// redux/store.js

- const { configureMakeStore } = require('@gasket/redux');
+ const { configureMakeStore, getOrCreateStore } = require('@gasket/redux');
+ const { HYDRATE, createWrapper } = require('next-redux-wrapper');
+ const merge = require('lodash.merge')

+ // Basic hydrate reducer for next-redux-wrapper
+ const rootReducer = (state, { type, payload }) => type === HYDRATE ? merge({}, state, payload) : state;

const exampleReducers = require('./reducers');

const reducers = {

- module.exports = configureMakeStore({ reducers });
+ const makeStore = configureMakeStore({ rootReducer, reducers });
+ const nextRedux = createWrapper(getOrCreateStore(makeStore));

+ module.exports = makeStore;
+ module.exports.nextRedux = nextRedux;

The getOrCreateStore helper will check if a store instance exists on context and return it, or make a new one if not.

In addition to exporting the makeStore function, you'll want to export the nextRedux wrapper for use in your app code.

In the _app.js, you will need to wrap the App component. If you do not have an existing custom App component, you can do something like this:

import React from 'react';
+ const { nextRedux } = require('../redux/store');

// Simple functional App component which can be wrapped
function WrappedApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return <Component { ...pageProps } />;

- export default WrappedApp;
+ export default nextRedux.withRedux(WrappedApp);

From there, your pages and other components can continue to connect to the store using react-redux as before.

Remove Support for next-routes

We have removed built-in support for next-routes. Instead, we encourage using Next.js default page routing.

A few examples of differences (this is not an exhaustive list):

  1. A routes.js file is no longer required to define routes. Next.js has a file-system based router. When a file is added to the pages directory, it is automatically available as a route.

  2. The client-side components have a slightly different API:

// pages/index.js

- <Link route='/blog/hello-world'>
+ <Link href="/blog/hello-world">
<a>Hello world</a>
  1. To access the router object directly, the useRouter hook can be used instead of requiring methods from ./routes.
- import { Router } from '../routes'
+ import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
  1. The methods available with each router object are slightly different.
- router.pushRoute('/blog/hello-world')
+ router.push('/blog/hello-world')

These are just a few examples of the differences between next-routes and the default Next.js routing. We recommend reviewing the Next.js routing documentation for further details.


Gasket is no longer providing a browser ponyfill for the fetch API. If you are supporting older browsers that don't have fetch, please bring your own polyfill.

Impacted Plugins/Packages: @gasket/fetch


There are several changes to @gasket/plugin-intl. Unfortunately, some of these may be breaking changes depending on how your app consumes the plugin. In this section, we will walk through the potential adjustments require to upgrade this plugin.

Impacted Plugins/Packages: @gasket/plugin-intl

Simplified deployments

We've simplified how the plugin works with source locales files to be more easily deployed to a CDN along with other static content. The locale files are now no longer copied to a build/ dir, but now stay put. By default, the @gasket/plugin-intl will now look for these under public/locales/, however this can be configured with the intl.localesDir config options.

// gasket.config.js

module.exports = {
plugins: {
add: ['@gasket/plugin-intl']
+ intl: {
+ localesDir: 'locales'
+ }

Note that if you are building a Next.js app using @gasket/plugin-nextjs, you could simply move your locales/ dir, to public/locales/, and Next.js will serve them along with your other static content.

Ignore generated manifest

At build time, a manifest JSON for the locales file is generated. Because this will now go into your source locales directory, you may choose to git ignore it to avoid unnecessarily committing it.

# .gitignore

+ locales-manifest.json

Opt-in Serving

If you wish to continue having your server serve the locale files, this can be enabled using the intl.serveStatic config options.

// gasket.config.js

module.exports = {
plugins: {
add: ['@gasket/plugin-intl']
+ intl: {
+ serveStatic: true
+ }

eslintConfig Update

This update is only necessary when moving locale files to the public/ directory, and when using the @godaddy/eslint-plugin-react-intl package with react-intl functions/components.

You will need to add a new settings object to your eslint config file or eslintConfig property in your package.json. The settings will need to have a localeFiles attribute set to an array containing the path to your primary locale file:

// package.json

"eslintConfig": {
+ "settings": {
+ "localeFiles": [
+ "public/locales/en-US.json"
+ ]
+ }

Module files

If your app used locale files from NPM module dependencies, this is an opt-in feature now, which can be enabled in the Gasket config using the intl.modules config options.

// gasket.config.js

module.exports = {
plugins: {
add: ['@gasket/plugin-intl']
+ intl: {
+ modules: true
+ }

It works slightly different now in that the NPM module locale files will now be copied under a modules/ dir within your working configured intl.localesDir. This makes the localesPath simple for your components.

For example, if you the change to your code would be something like:

- <LocaleRequired identifier={{ module: '@myscope/some-module', namespace: 'namespace' }}>
+ <LocaleRequired localesPath='/locales/modules/@myscope/some-module/namespace'>

Ignore copied files

Because the modules/ dir will be generated under the configured intl.localesDir at build time, you may choose to .gitignore that directory to avoid unnecessarily committing those files to the git repo.

# .gitignore

+ public/locales/modules/

Lifecycle name

If you have a custom lifecycle hook to determine the locale, either in a plugin or lifecycle file, then you will need to update the name and the signature.

// gasket-plugin-example.js

module.exports = {
hooks: {
- intlLanguage: async function intlLanguageHook(gasket, language, req) {
+ intlLocale: async function intlLocaleHook(gasket, locale, { req }) {
return locale;

The context option will have the req and res objects from the request.

Config option names

We have also aligned our config names to use locale instead of language.

// gasket.config.js

module.exports = {
plugins: {
add: ['@gasket/plugin-intl']
intl: {
- languageMap: { 'zh-HK': 'zh-TW' },
+ localesMap: { 'zh-HK': 'zh-TW' },
- defaultLanguage: 'en',
+ defaultLocale: 'en',

Decoupled from Redux

Before, to use @gasket/plugin-intl in your app, you were also required to use @gasket/plugin-redux along with Redux bindings in your React code. This is now simplified to work with Gasket Data, and Redux is no longer required.

// gasket.config.js

module.exports = {
plugins: {
add: [
- '@gasket/plugin-redux'

If you use Redux for other things in your app, feel free to continue to do so. However, there may be some changes in your app code if you were adding locale files and selecting messages with the Redux hooks before.

Loading messages

To add locale files during server requests now, instead of using the initReduxState lifecycle hook, you should now use withLocaleRequired method from the request object in the middleware lifecycle, or wherever req is accessible in your code flow.

// gasket-plugin-example.js

module.exports = {
hooks: {
- initReduxState() { ... }
+ middleware() {
+ return function middleware(req, res, next) {
+ req.withLocaleRequired('/locales');
+ next();
+ }

This will load and add those messages from the locales file to GasketData, available for server-side rendering, and also for selecting messages in API routes or otherwise.

Selecting messages

To select messages, you will need to pull them off of res.locals.gasketData, however, there is a helper method added to the request object to make this easy. See the Intl plugin docs for a select locale message example.

Intl for React

There are a few new features and improvements to the Gasket Intl package for React, however, this guide focuses on what changes are necessary to upgrade. To read up on the new features, refer to the @gasket/react-intl docs.

Impacted Plugins/Packages: @gasket/intl, @gasket/react-intl

Package rename

To clarify the purpose of this Gasket Intl package and differentiate it from any future tie in packages (Vue, Svelte, etc), it has been renamed to include "React".

As such, @gasket/intl should now be brought in as @gasket/react-intl. This will affect your module imports:

// example-component.js

- import { withLocaleRequired } from '@gasket/intl';
+ import { withLocaleRequired } from '@gasket/react-intl';

as well as your package.json dependencies:

"name": "my-app",
"dependencies": {
- "@gasket/intl": "^5.0.0",
+ "@gasket/react-intl": "^6.0.0"
"@gasket/plugin-intl": "^6.0.0"

Simplified locale paths

We now have a much simpler approach for specifying the paths to load locale files from. These were previously referred to as "identifiers" in the old documentation. Now, we call them the "localesPath", and they are just a string.

- <LocaleRequired identifier={{ namespace: 'namespace' }}>
+ <LocaleRequired localesPath='/locales/namespace'>

For a more detailed explanation, refer to the localesPath docs.

Next.js Initial Props

To allow for a static generation of pages, the withLocaleRequired HOC no longer automatically adds getInitialProps to the component. It will still fetch the locale file, but this will happen in the browser only now.

However, if you still want to server-render pages with locale files preloaded, you can re-enable getInitialProps with the HOC initialProps option.

import { withLocaleRequired } from '@gasket/react-intl';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

const Component = props => <h1><FormattedMessage id='welcome'/></h1>

- export default withLocaleRequired('/locales')(Component);
+ export default withLocaleRequired('/locales', { initialProps: true })(Component);

Static Progressive Web App Changes

Update Lifecycle Signatures with Context Object

To better support static site generation, we have updated the @gasket/plugin-service-worker and @gasket/plugin-workbox lifecycles' signatures to pass in a context object instead of the usual req, res.


- module.exports = async function composeServiceWorker(gasket, content, req) {
+ module.exports = async function composeServiceWorker(gasket, content, { req }) {

- module.exports = function workbox(gasket, config, req) {
+ module.exports = function workbox(gasket, config, { req }) {

The purpose for using this context object is to allow these lifecycle methods to be run at build time without a request object, or at run time, when the request object is present.

Impacted Plugins/Packages: @gasket/plugin-service-worker, @gasket/plugin-workbox, @gasket/plugin-manifest

Webpack 5

Webpack 5 support is now available! We have tuned all of our plugins and packages to fully support Webpack 5.

"devDependencies": {
- "webpack": "^4.44.1",
+ "webpack": "^5.9.0"

One potentially breaking change to note is that @gasket/plugin-webpack no longer sets up predefined package excludes as before. This was necessary to support configuration changes in Webpack 5.

If you stick with Webpack 4, yet want to bring back the former excludes, you can configure Webpack in your gasket.config.js with them:

// gasket.config.js

module.exports = {
+ webpack: {
+ node: {
+ fs: 'empty',
+ net: 'empty',
+ tls: 'empty'
+ }
+ }

If you do upgrade to Webpack 5, you can instead configure resolve.fallback as needed, which is described in the Webpack 5 docs.

Removed Config Defaults

We have removed the generated Webpack config defaults. The node config options that were previously prescribed, have changed. You can find more info about configuring Node.js options with Webpack 5 on the webpack website.

Aligning Base Path Config

Instead of using the zone config, we will now be using the basePath property, to keep in alignment with Next.js.

Update property in gasket.config.js.

// gasket.config.js

module.exports = {
- zone: '/app-path-prefix'
+ basePath: '/app-path-prefix'

Update all references to zone with basePath.

// example reference

- const { zone } = gasket.config;
+ const { basePath } = gasket.config;

Impacted Plugins/Packages: @gasket/plugin-nextjs, @gasket/plugin-workbox

Fallback Naming Removal

In your plugins/presets, you'll need to align to the naming convention of plugins and presets. We no longer have fallback naming support.

- @gasket/example-plugin
+ @gasket/plugin-example

- @user/example-plugin
+ @user/plugin-example

- intl
+ @gasket/plugin-intl

Please ensure that all plugins and presets adhere to the project-type prefixed naming convention. This formatting allows user plugins to be referenced with short names and will help avoid collisions.

Impacted Plugins/Packages: @gasket/resolve, @gasket/engine