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Gasket Preset Authoring Guide


Presets are used to provide configuration and prompting to facilitate app generation using create-gasket-app.

At GoDaddy, we have presets specifically tailored with internal sets of plugins, making maintaining standards around authentication, style, analytics, and more significantly easier.

See the recommended naming conventions for how to best name a preset.

Create a Gasket app using presets

To create a new Gasket app using a preset, use the --preset flag with create-gasket-app:

npx create-gasket-app <app-name> --presets <@your/gasket-preset-example>


The anatomy of a preset is very similar to a plugin. Presets take name, version, description, and hooks properties.

One major difference is that presets can use two preset-specific hooks: presetPrompt and presetConfig.

// my-preset/index.js
import { createRequire } from 'module';
import presetPrompt from './preset-prompt.js';
import presetConfig from './preset-config.js';
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const { name, version, description } = require('../package.json');

export default {
hooks: {

presetPrompt hook

The presetPrompt hook prompts users for any additional information not provided by the preset's plugins. It also allows you to predefine values used by plugins in the prompt or create hooks.

This hook is invoked before the presetConfig hook and before all other plugin hooks that are included with the preset.

The presetPrompt hook is an async function that takes three arguments: gasket, context, and utils object containing a prompt function.

* presetPrompt hook
* @param {Gasket} gasket - Gasket API
* @param {Create} context - Create context
* @param {Object} utils - Prompt utils
* @param {Function} utils.prompt - Inquirer prompt
export default async function presetPrompt(gasket, context, { prompt }) {
// Add additional configuration or prompts

You can add values to the context object to be used by other plugins.

// vegan-preset/prompt-preset.js

export default async function presetPrompt(gasket, context, { prompt }) {
context.sandwichMeat = 'none'; // Predefined value to be used in sandwich-plugin

// sandwich-plugin/prompt.js

export async function promptMeat(gasket, context) {
// Will not prompt for meat if predefined in context
if !('sandwichMeat' in context){
// Prompt for sandwich meat

async function prompt(gasket, context) {
await promptMeat(gasket, context);
// Prompt for other sandwich ingredients

Additional prompts can be added by using the prompt function provided in the utils object. Prompts can also be imported from other plugins if you want to change the order in which those prompts are asked.

// vegan-preset/prompt-preset.js

import sandwichPrompts from 'sandwich-plugin/prompts';

export default async function presetPrompt(gasket, context, { prompt }) {
await sandwichPrompts.promptBreadType(context, prompt);
await sandwichPrompts.promptVeggies(context, prompt);

if (!('sandwichCheeseType' in context)) {
const { sandwichCheeseType } = await prompt([
name: 'sandwichCheeseType',
message: 'Do you want cheese?',
type: 'list',
choices: [
{ name: 'Vegan Cheese 1', value: 'v-1' },
{ name: 'Vegan Cheese 2', value: 'v-2' },
{ name: 'No Cheese', value: 'none' }

Object.assign(context, { sandwichCheeseType });

presetConfig hook

The presetConfig is used to add all plugins that will be used in your gasket app and it also gives you the option to add configuration to the gasket object.

This hook is called after the presetPrompt hook and before all other plugin hooks in the preset.

The presetConfig hook is an async function that takes two arguments: gasket and context. The context object contains all the values that were set in the presetPrompt hook.

* presetConfig hook
* @param {Gasket} gasket - Gasket API
* @param {Create} context - Create context
* @returns {Promise<CreateContext.presetConfig>} config
export default async function presetConfig(gasket, context) {
// Add plugins and configuration

To enable Gasket to utilize the hooks in your plugins, ensure that all plugins are included in the plugins array within the returned presetConfig object.

Any properties you add to the presetConfig object will be added to the gasket object in your generated gasket.js file.

// my-preset/preset-config.js

import pluginFoo from '@gasket/plugin-foo';
import pluginBar from '@gasket/plugin-bar';

export default async function presetConfig(gasket, context) {
const myConfigObject = {
my: 'value'

return {
additionalProperty: myConfigObject,
plugins: [

// Generated gasket.js file

import pluginFoo from '@gasket/plugin-foo';
import pluginBar from '@gasket/plugin-bar';

export default makeGasket({
plugins: [
additionalProperty: {
my: 'value'

Adding configuration through the command line

You can also add configuration to the context object through the command line by using create-gasket-app with the --config flag, followed by a stringified object containing the values you wish to add.

npx create-gasket-app <app-name> --presets <@your/gasket-preset-example> --config "{\"my\": \"value\"}"