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Type Safety with JSDoc

This document aims to provide a comprehensive outline of our established pattern for implementing type checking using JSDoc within the Gasket monorepo. Please also feel free to leverage these patterns in your own applications and plugins.


JavaScript, by itself, lacks static typing and strict type checking.


To enhance type safety without migrating the codebase to TypeScript, we can leverage a combination of JSDoc comments, TypeScript declaration files, and our IDE's built-in type checker.


  1. Install typescript as a dev dependency:
npm i -D typescript
  1. Update ESLint config in your package.json:
// package.json

"eslintConfig": {
"extends": [
+ "plugin:jsdoc/recommended-typescript-flavor"
"plugins": [
+ "jsdoc"
  1. Add tsconfig.json to the root of your plugin:
// tsconfig.json

"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"checkJs": true,
"noEmit": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"lib": ["esnext", "dom"],
"types": [
"exclude": [

These steps enable the built-in type checker in your IDE, allowing you to identify and address type errors.

Optional: Disable Type Checking For Tests

If the need arises to turn off type checking for test files, you have two options.

  1. You can add the exclusion property to the tsconfig.json to ignore all files in your test directory:
"exclude": [
  1. If you are only wanting to ignore a single test file, you can use the @ts-nocheck flag at the top of your file.


Plugin Type

All root plugin definition files need to be decorated with the @gasket/core Plugin type.

// index.js

/** @type {import('@gasket/core').Plugin} */
const plugin = {
hooks: {

export default plugin;


If you are using individual lifecycle files, you will need to decorate each with the specific @gasket/core HookHandler type and description.

* Add files & extend package.json for new apps.
* @type {import('@gasket/core').HookHandler<'create'>}
export default function create(gasket, context) {

External Type References

If your lifecycle references types from other plugins, be sure to include the typescript triple-slash directives. To learn more about these directives, see the typescriptlang docs. We opted to include the references in the files themselves instead of in the plugin's tsconfig.json to improve readability/specificity.

/// <reference types="@gasket/plugin-command" />
/// <reference types="@gasket/plugin-start" />


If your plugin introduces new lifecycles, be sure to define all HookExecTypes that your plugin calls, in the types.d.ts file.

// example.js

await gasket.exec('express', app);
// types.d.ts

declare module '@gasket/core' {
export interface HookExecTypes {
express(app: Application): MaybeAsync<void>;

GasketConfig Interface

If your plugin adds additional config properties to the gasket.js, be sure to define those in the .d.ts file.

// example.js

export default function loadConfig(gasket) {
const { root, configPath = 'config' } = gasket.config;

const configDir = path.resolve(root, configPath);
// types.d.ts

declare module '@gasket/core' {
export interface GasketConfig {
configPath?: string


.HookHandler<'whatever'> is erroring out. Why?

Be sure to reference the plugin that executes the gasket lifecycle you are hooking:

/// <reference types="@gasket/plugin-https" />