📄️ @gasket/plugin-analyze
Gasket plugin for building analysis reports of webpack bundles using
📄️ @gasket/plugin-command
This plugin enables other plugins to define and inject custom commands into the
📄️ @gasket/plugin-cypress
Creates a Cypress-based testing environment for your Gasket application.
📄️ @gasket/plugin-data
Add support for environment and request specific data such as settings and
📄️ @gasket/plugin-docs
The plugin enables the docs command, which centralizes doc files for the
📄️ @gasket/plugin-docs-graphs
The plugin hooks the docsGenerate lifecycle to provide a [mermaid] graph
📄️ @gasket/plugin-docusaurus
Use [Docusaurus] to serve a website view of the collated docs from [@gasket/plugin-docs].
📄️ @gasket/plugin-dynamic-plugins
Gasket plugin for dynamically adding plugins to Gasket
📄️ @gasket/plugin-elastic-apm
Adds Elastic APM instrumentation to your application
🗃️ @gasket/plugin-express
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📄️ @gasket/plugin-fastify
Adds Fastify to your application.
📄️ @gasket/plugin-git
This a built-in plugin to the Gasket CLI used to set up new apps with git
📄️ @gasket/plugin-happyfeet
Integrates with happy-feet to add application instance termination when health metrics such as memory usage enter a bad state.
📄️ @gasket/plugin-https
A plugin that creates http, https and/or http2 servers based on the given
📄️ @gasket/plugin-https-proxy
Create an HTTPS proxy server with Gasket to use as a sidecar for frameworks that
📄️ @gasket/plugin-intl
This primary responsibility of this plugin is to build the intl manager script.
📄️ @gasket/plugin-jest
Creates a jest with enzyme based testing environment for your Gasket
📄️ @gasket/plugin-lint
Enables code style linting to be configured for Gasket apps.
📄️ @gasket/plugin-logger
This plugin adds a logger to your Gasket application and introduces lifecycles
📄️ @gasket/plugin-manifest
Adds support for a custom [manifest.json] to be provided for your application.
🗃️ @gasket/plugin-metadata
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📄️ @gasket/plugin-middleware
The @gasket/plugin-middleware plugin provides an easy way to apply middleware
📄️ @gasket/plugin-mocha
Creates a mocha, nyc, sinon, chai based testing environment for your
📄️ @gasket/plugin-morgan
Adds the morgan request logger to your application.
🗃️ @gasket/plugin-nextjs
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📄️ @gasket/plugin-redux
Gasket plugin to setup Redux store availability to Express middleware.
📄️ @gasket/plugin-service-worker
[Service workers] (SW) are scripts that run separate from the main web page and
📄️ @gasket/plugin-swagger
Gasket plugin for working with Swagger specs, and uses [swagger-ui-express] to
🗃️ @gasket/plugin-typescript
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🗃️ @gasket/plugin-webpack
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📄️ @gasket/plugin-winston
Set up a [winston] logger instance for the Gasket logger.
📄️ @gasket/plugin-workbox
Provides precaching and runtimeCaching via [Workbox].