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Enables plugins to collect metrics about an project when Gasket commands are invoked.

NOTE: Metrics are not collected by gasket. The metrics lifecycle exists so that you can track metrics and usage of gasket within your own organization.


New apps

gasket create <app-name> --plugins @gasket/plugin-metrics

Existing apps

npm i @gasket/plugin-metrics

Modify plugins section of your gasket.config.js:

module.exports = {
plugins: {
add: [
+ '@gasket/plugin-metrics'

Command Flags


Metrics are available for all Gasket project commands. However, if you wish to not invoke the metrics lifecycle for certain commands or situations, such as a during a CICD process, you can run the command with the --no-record flag.



The usage of gasket commands can be tracked by a plugin using the metrics lifecycle hook. It is important to note that this does not block the execution of the command.

const fetch = require('@gasket/fetch');

module.exports = {
name: 'example',
hooks: {
* Hook the metrics lifecycle and pushed data to a collection endpoint
* @param {Gasket} gasket - The Gasket API
* @param {Object} data - Collected metrics
* @returns {Object}
async metrics(gasket, data) {
const url = 'https://some.example.api/endpoint';

await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(data),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

The collected metrics data consists of the following information:

"name": "name in package.json",
"version": "version in package.json",
"gasket": {
"@gasket/literally-any-repo": "that is installed"
"repository": "git repository",
"branch": "git branch",
"config": {
"additional keys": "used in gasket.config.js"
"system": {
"platform": "os.platform()",
"release": "os.release()",
"arch": "os.arch()"
"env": "NODE_ENV",
"argv": "Literally the args that you passed to gasket",
"time": "",
"cmd": "The Gasket command that was run"
