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This plugin adds Next.js to your application.


npm i @gasket/plugin-nextjs

Update your gasket file plugin configuration:

// gasket.js

+ import pluginNextjs from '@gasket/plugin-nextjs';

export default makeGasket({
plugins: [
+ pluginNextjs


It is also possible for apps to config Next.js using the gasket.js file. To do so, specify a nextConfig object property in the same form as what you would set for custom configurations or using Next.js plugins.

Example Gasket configuration

// gasket.js
export default makeGasket({
plugins: [
nextConfig: {
poweredByHeader: false,
useFileSystemPublicRoutes: false

In order for Next.js to pick up the configurations, you will need to create a next.config.js file in the root of your project and export the results of the getNextConfig action.

// next.config.js
import gasket from './gasket.js';
export default gasket.actions.getNextConfig();

For general Webpack configurations, it is recommended to use features of the Gasket Webpack plugin, which will be merged into the Next.js configuration.

Internationalized Routing

When using this plugin along with @gasket/plugin-intl to determine and provide locale files, be sure to set the i18n config for defaultLocale and supported locales in the intl plugin config, instead of the nextConfig. This will be used by the Gasket Intl plugin, and also passed along with the Next config for i18n routing.

// gasket.js
export default makeGasket({
intl: {
+ defaultLocale: 'en-US',
+ locales: ['en-US', 'fr', 'nl-NL']
nextConfig: {
i18n: {
- locales: ['en-US', 'fr', 'nl-NL'],
- defaultLocale: 'en-US',
domains: [
domain: '',
defaultLocale: 'en-US',
domain: '',
defaultLocale: 'nl-NL',
domain: '',
defaultLocale: 'fr',

Also note when using @gasket/plugin-intl to determine the locale, that the NEXT_LOCALE cookie will have no effect. You can, of course, hook the intlLocale lifecycle in an app to enable that behavior if desired.

Adding a Sitemap

When creating a new application with this plugin, you will be prompted with a question in the CLI asking if you would like to add a sitemap to your application.

Answering yes to this question will install next-sitemap as a dependency, generate a next-sitemap.config.js file, and add a sitemap npm script to your package.json. next-sitemap is an npm package that generates sitemaps and a robots.txt file for Next.js applications. Learn more by reading the next-sitemap docs.



This action returns the current nextConfig object which allows plugins to configure the Next.js application.

Place this in a next.config.js file which Next.js will load.

// next.config.js

import gasket from './gasket.js';
export default gasket.actions.getNextConfig();


This action is intended for use in server contexts where you need to know how a request will route to a Next.js page. This async function returns null if the manifest could not be parsed or if the requested URL does not match a route. If a match is found, an object with these properties is returned:

pageStringThe page name/path used to identify a page within next.js
regexRegExpThe regular expression that matches URLs to the page
routeKeysObjectFor dynamic routes the mapping of URL placeholders to parsed route parameters
namedRegexRegExpLike regex, but named capturing groups are included to populate dynamic routing parameters
import gasket from '../gasket.js';

async function someMiddleware(req, res, next) {
const route = await gasket.actions.getNextRoute();
if (route) {
const { groups } = req.url.match(route.namedRegex);
console.log(`Matched ${} with parameters`, groups);




Executed when the next server has been created. It will receive a reference to the created next instance.

export default {
name: 'sample-plugin',
hooks: {
* Modify the Next app instance
* @param {Gasket} gasket The Gasket API
* @param {Next} next Next app instance
next: function next(gasket, next) {


Executed before the next server has been created. It will receive a reference to the next config. This will allow you to modify the next config before the next server is created.

export default {
name: 'sample-plugin',
hooks: {
* Modify the Next config
* @param {Gasket} gasket The Gasket API
* @param {Object} config Next config
* @returns {Object} config
nextConfig(gasket, config) {
return {
modification: 'newValue'


Provides access to both next and express instances which allows next.render calls in express-based routes.

export default {
name: 'sample-plugin',
hooks: {
nextExpress: function (gasket, { next, express }) {'/contact-form', (req, res) => {
// And once we're done, we can `next.render` to render the `pages/thanks`
// file as a response.
next.render(req, res, '/thanks', req.params);


Provides access to both next and fastify instances which allows next.render calls in express-based routes.

export default {
name: 'sample-plugin',
hooks: {
nextFastify: function (gasket, { next, fastify }) {'/contact-form', (req, res) => {
// And once we're done, we can `next.render` to render the `pages/thanks`
// file as a response.
next.render(req, res, '/thanks', req.params);


Enables execution of custom logic just prior to an HTTP request being handed to next.js for processing. Hooks receive the request, response, and next server (not to be confused with the next function used by express-like middleware):

export default {
name: 'sample-plugin',
hooks: {
async nextPreHandling(gasket, {
}) {
await doPreRenderingLogic(req, res);
