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This plugin adds a logger to your Gasket application and introduces lifecycles for custom logger implementations. This plugin is included by default in all Gasket applications.

At this time, there is only one plugin which implements a custom logger: @gasket/plugin-winston.


This plugin is only used by presets for create-gasket-app and is not installed for apps.



Get the logger instance using the Actions API.

const logger = gasket.actions.getLogger();



To implement a custom logger, hook the createLogger lifecycle. Your hook must be synchronous and return an object with this shape:

type Logger = {
[level: string]: (...args: Array<any>) => void,
child: (metadata: Object) => Logger,
close?: () => Promise<void> // Optional

The level keys are the log levels that your logger supports. The values are functions that accept any number of arguments and write them to the log. Your logger must support, at minimum, the following levels:

  • debug
  • error
  • info
  • warn

The child function is used to create a new logger with additional metadata. The metadata argument is set of properties that will be included in every log entry. The child function must return a new logger with the same shape as the parent logger.

The close function, if supplied, is called when the application is shutting down and should be used to close any open resources.


If you are contributing to this plugin, use the following to run the tests:

npm test
